8 Things I learned from Oscars 2022…the easy way

Dr. Marissa Pei
3 min readApr 3, 2022

1. That there are brilliant actors who use American Sign Language to express the incredible lightness of being and were rightfully recognized but maybe forgotten in the unfortunate wrongness of being upstaged by bad behavior.

2. That when we live in a culture where insults are okay because we are just “joking around” or being a great comedian, we will never have respect in the workplace, nor eliminate bullying in schools.

3. That violent reactions have consequences, and not even necessary heartfelt apologies can UN-RING a bell.

4. That even brilliant actors are human and fork up from time to time…unfortunately for this one, it may have undone a lifetime of hard work…what he was known for before the slap.

5. That I will from this point forward support and highlight comedians who don’t make fun of people…and not make anyone the BUTT of my humor, cuz it is NOT FUNNY. There is SO MUCH in life to LAUGH about without demeaning our fellow sentient beings. And no I am not being overly sensitive, I am just evolving…with a lot of our millennials who know better.

6. That all of the “opinions” thrown around social media, had the same harmful effect as masks, vaccines, politics and BS Belief Systems…If you don’t agree with me you are stupid, wrong, and don’t look at it in…



Dr. Marissa Pei

Media Personality, Inspirational Speaker, Corporate Psychologist, TV Commentator, Global Thought Leader, Journalist/Reporter, Life Balance Coach, DrMarissa.Life